Next workshop:

The 4th TUESDAY of EVERY month

at 3 pm EST

This virtual workshop is for the business owner whose

To-Do list is growing as fast as their business.

We will take you through our proven process for categorizing and prioritizing

all the things that need to get done in your business so that you:

1. Know exactly what you should focus on as the CEO of your business.

2. Get crystal clear on what should be delegated now.

3. A clear action plan on delegating your most urgent tasks.

Working hard on the wrong things will prevent your business from reaching its full potential and keep you in a constant state of stress, overwhelm, and frustration.

The good news is that there is a way forward and we will show you how any business owner can set their business and life up for sustainability.

It is really very exciting!

This is a 90-minute, LIVE, highly interactive workshop that

takes place on Zoom. THE REGISTRATION FEE IS $149,